55 days left, ummm..... make that only 54 days left!
www.maritimesuccess.com Did you know there's 55 days left in 2017? Actually, this article was written yesterday, so there's 54. 54 days to achieve your annual goals! Remember, the ones you made back in January? Most managers and people will lower their annual goals in order to achieve them, but not you - you are going to 10X your efforts to achieve that big, hairy, audacious goal!! A goal without a plan is simply called a dream. Here are some tips to help you reach your year end goals, by starting with a simple plan and then 10X your efforts to get 'er done! Relationship Goal: Read "The Five Love Languages" by Gary Chapman. You and your spouse will thank me when you do. Fitness Goal: Start simple. Eat an apple a day. Take the stairs instead of the elevator. Floss. Financial Goal: Christmas is just around the corner. Avoid putting all those gifts on credit and start an inves...