This YEAR is What Counts NOW
Happy New Year - I hope your new year is off to a great start! When thinking about the new year consider this – time can never be regained. Last year is gone. It's what we do this year that counts now. 2018 will the year of many great things! We will continue to work hard to ensure a solid financial future for families across the Maritimes and beyond. Education is the first step, and that's where you come in - what would you like to learn more about? Your feedback is important and will influence the topics of this biweekly newsletter. Post your ideas below Bitcoin? MJ stocks and other investments? How $$ works? Insurance Tips? Leadership? New Careers? Trends for 2018? How to control time and income? Budgeting tips? Taxes and how to reduce them? RRSP vs TFSA? PK Subban? This newsletter will be educational and beneficial but better yet, let's get together to discuss your strategy for putting time on y...