Why Most People Fail at Financial Planning and How To Manage Your Money Like The Top 10%

Are you already wealthy? Meaning, you can retire on your own terms, if you wanted to quit your career tomorrow, you could. If so, congrats, that’s awesome, roughly only 10% of Canadians have the ability to retire on their own terms and if that’s you, give a thumbs up if you agree with what I’m about to share. If you do not feel wealthy or unsure, you have lots of company. Give a thumbs up if you find the following helpful… Have you ever asked yourself the question, why? Why are the majority of Canadians financial stressed? Why are most living paycheck to paycheck no matter what their income level is? I’ve been become great at asking the question Why, and I have found the answer to the following why: Why are roughly only 10% of Canadians on the path towards to financial independence while the other 90% are not? The answer is not necessarily what you think. Maybe, just maybe, even with all t...