Design Your Future - Is the Housing Market About to Flip

How are things? What's on your mind these days? Excited about the end of these lockdowns and the start of the new economy? Caught up in the real estate mania? Here's June's issue of Design Your Own Future with a strong focus on the real estate market. This issue is to help empower you, to find opportunities, to live by design. It's directed towards my clients, and contacts that are consultants, business owners, and leaders that want to do even better! If you find the info useful, forward to a friend and they can subscribe here Inside this issue... Is the Housing Market About to Flip? Working with Great People is Great! It's Highly Recommended New provincial support and existing federal support update Business Owner of the Month - 3 Mortgage Brokers that will work for you Investment Tip of the Month - A great way to buy homes and other assets Events - including the new Healthy, Wealthy and Wise Presentation Is the Housing Market About to Flip? It's hard not t...