May the Force Be With You - May's Issue of Design Your Future
Here's May's issue of Design Your Future with a strong focus on capturing the upcoming opportunities and reconnecting, and how to invest more efficiently, waste less, reduce your taxes, and focus on your strengths. Inside this issue you will find: A Better Way to Measure Success Listen to This Tax Deadline for Business Owners Can Capital Gains Push Me Into a Higher Tax Bracket? Would You be Happy if Your Investments were Flat YTD in 2022? Business Owner of the Month - Monika Jazyk Our Way of Saying Thanks Design Your Future - May 19, 2022 Can you feel that? There's a change in the air! Let's get out there and support our local business - especially the restaurants, pubs, and service industry who have been hit pretty darn hard over the last 2 years. Want to save money, support local, AND help out local charities??? Get your CRAVE passport now... hope to see ya at one of the many fine establishments over the next...