Hysteria and Happy Birthday to Me!
I just turned 44. I've been having some random thoughts... "Is the downfall of the US actually here..." "Is Rocky still the best movie of all time..." "If the expected life span of Canadians is 91 - I'm getting close to halfway mark - time to pick it up a notch!" "Man, I love chocolate way more now than I did in my 20s!" And wilth all the noise from the US elections, a recurring thought "it's time for us to step up to a leadership role - now more than ever!" November's issue of Design Your Own Future is to help empower you, to take advantage of the opportunities, to live by design - There's a birthday gift for YOU at the end of this month's issue, I hope you like it! It's directed towards consultants, business owners, and leaders that want to do even better! Inside this issue... Answers to investing questions you may be too embarrassed to ask! Everything you need to know about the CRB—including how it will ...