Fall Into Your Future - Are you ready for what's coming Next?


Ready to Fall into your Future? The colours of Autumn are here! It's been a crazy 2020 - Are you ready for what's coming next?

Elections, flu season, there's a lot of noise out there that can be paralyzing. In fact, most people are waiting on the sidelines to see what happens before making any changes. The few though, we are preparing and taking advantage of the opportunities.

October's issue of Design Your Own Future is to help you take advantage of the opportunities and live by design.

It's directed towards consultants and business owners that want to do even better while paying less tax!


Inside this issue...

  • Everything you wanted to know about RESPs!
  • Business Owner of the Month - Tim Dittmer of True Insite
  • Book of the Month - "You Were Born Rich" by Bob Proctor
  • Productivity Tip of the Month - How to get ahead of the Crowd
  • The Difference between Value Based Advice and Product Based Advice
  • 66 Day Challenge - Starting Sept 28! Join the group




Everything you wanted to know about RESPs - and then some....

Anyone else wonder what their children’s schools actually did during last spring? Nervous if school will be called off during flu season?

I am. I have 3 children and the support they have received last school year was, well, pathetic.

That lead to one guy stepping up. That’s right - Dad.

It has meant becoming a geography/math teacher in my spare time around building the greatest financial advise business going and just being an all round great guy.

And I was exhausted…. I’m sure other parents can relate to this feeling where we are trying to juggle our business’s/careers whilst picking up a new job as a charismatic substitute teacher.

My business centres around giving sound financial advise and that is somewhat complicated when being covered in glitter and trying to understand the ‘dynamic’/‘quirky’ ways math is now being taught.

I guess my point is all parents have been struggling during this pandemic not just with our careers/finances, but with the added challenges of teaching. I can’t help with the teaching, but hey I could help with your financial planning... Once I’ve washed the PVC glue off my hands of course.

This rant was supposed to be about RESPs - you call read about those by clicking HERE

There's also other ways to invest in your child's success....




The Financial Engineer's


Would you like to have your product, service, or professional profile shared with 10,000+ (LinkedIn, Facebook, and Monthly Newsletter)? Every month, I will introduce a "do gooder" / business owner / entrepreneur that is making their communities even better with their business and "can do" attitude!!

October's Business Owner of the Month is Tim Dittmer, the Founder of True InSite who has helped me and other business owners with marketing and building powerful websites.


When asked the secret to his success:

"I do my best to provide value, I'm honest and upfront. I like who I am, if you don't like my approach, that's ok too!" says Tim.

Personally, I liked Tim's blunt approach - with his slight German accent, he told me what could help me, not what I wanted to hear. My website and customer service is stronger because of his insights!



Tim has a passion for helping other business owners - he doesn't just build you a website, it's an experience where he helps you learn more about yourself, your business and how to attract your ideal customer.

What advice would you give to those that are starting their own business?

"Have a passion for what you do. Work ON your business and stay consistent. Everything comes back to marketing."

Check out the other websites and businesses that Tim has helped - invite him out for a coffee to see if he can help you too!




The Financial Engineer's Book of the Month

Here's my recommendation for this month's great read that will make you better and wealthier: Refer a consultant or business owner and get your free copy!


A classic originally published in 1984 is ideal for those that need to work on their money and success mindset.

Drawing from 45 years in the area of thinking, reason, the will, memory, intuition and imagination, Bob Proctor talks you through how to realise your inner-millionaire.



"You were born Rick" by Bob Proctor is The Financial Engineer's Book of the Month - perfect for gaining the right money mindset!

If you refer a consultant or business owner that is INC or thinking of incorporating, I will be happy to give you a copy to both of you, a book I highly recommend that will take you to the next level!




The Financial Engineer's Productivity Tip of the Month

How to Get Ahead of The Crowd

Who else found the US debate unbearable to watch?

Remember when the US debates used to offer some glimpse of leadership and hope? This was at least true during McCain vs Obama campaign (RIP in John, you're the definition of a leader and hero, I hope you didn't see last night). Those old men at your local Tim Horton's host better debates that what occurred last week.

I don't know about you, but that debate only offered frustration. It simply made me angry. I haven't been this mad since I found out my friends went to "Back to the Future" without inviting me..... thanks for bringing up that subconscious memory I've been holding on to, now I'm really upset!!

I guess what I'm trying to say is that the debate cemented in my belief that the status quo is not a good place to be and is unsafe. The current (World - Canada too) leadership is bad and will make us weaker unless..... Unless we step up.

Unless, as individuals, we rise to the occasion, become better versions of ourselves, and start leading. Start helping others and get help from those who will make us even better.

Here's two ways I'm helping others help themselves rise up and get a head of the crowd:




"Your Habits will become your Philosophy of Your Success"

Join the 66 Day Challenge! Pick 1 habit (spiritual, health, business, personal or financial), download the 66 Day Challenge Calander, and put a big X in the square on the day you did that 1 habit. Think Big, Go Small!

We will host a celebration on Dec 3rd for those that join the challenge. Join today!




Upcoming Webinars (Atlantic Time):

Let me know if you would like me to add your webinar here

I highly recommend the following resources to help you and your business expand and become more effective and efficient:


IceCap Asset Management






Engineers NS






Let me know if you would like a recording of my favorite business and financial webinars and podcasts. Make More Money and Design Your Future videos can be found here



Whenever you're ready... here are 3 ways I can help:

Option 1.

Let's have a chat: Just CLICK HERE to see my calendar through our online scheduler. Then, select a 15 min time slot that works for you. The scheduler will book our time and send you the call-in details.

Option 2.

Let's "meet": If you would like to book a free, no-obligation information session, click HERE and we can coordinate a time that fits into your schedule. Online or in person!

Option 3.

Attend my next free webinar: Every quarter I get together online with a handful of other local business owners and share with them the most current research and insights into proper financial planning - specifically for business owners. If you'd like to participate or just listen in on the next session, please email me at steve@thefinancialengineer.ca and I'll forward you the details.


Be healthy, wealthy and wise!!!


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Steve MacLellan, P.Eng
"The Financial Engineer"
Proud Member of D H Roberts Financial Group


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