Hysteria and Happy Birthday to Me!


I just turned 44. I've been having some random thoughts...

"Is the downfall of the US actually here..."

"Is Rocky still the best movie of all time..."

"If the expected life span of Canadians is 91 - I'm getting close to halfway mark - time to pick it up a notch!"

"Man, I love chocolate way more now than I did in my 20s!"

And wilth all the noise from the US elections, a recurring thought "it's time for us to step up to a leadership role - now more than ever!"

November's issue of Design Your Own Future is to help empower you, to take advantage of the opportunities, to live by design - There's a birthday gift for YOU at the end of this month's issue, I hope you like it!

It's directed towards consultants, business owners, and leaders that want to do even better!

Inside this issue...

  • Answers to investing questions you may be too embarrassed to ask!
  • Everything you need to know about the CRB—including how it will affect your taxes
  • Business Owner of the Month - Ann Marie Flinn
  • Read of the Month - "Hysteria" by Keith Dicker
  • Productivity Tip of the Month - 6 things that make smart people fail
  • 66 Day Challenge - Started Sept 28! Join the group - better late than never
  • My Birthday Gift to YOU

Answers to investing questions you may be embarrassed to ask....

An important part of making informed investment decisions comes from asking questions.

Here are some questions that many new investors need answered. If you're confused by investment terminology, there's a good chance that others are confused by it too, but they don't want to admit it. Let us know if you have any questions, or wish to learn more about a topic. There are no bad questions!

If you have a question - email me and I will do by best to find the answer!

Everything you need to know about the CRB—including how it will affect your taxes

The Canada Recovery Benefit (CRB) is likely to be the primary benefit available to self-employed and other workers not eligible for EI who have been impacted by 2020.

This article explains the mechanics of applying for the CRB, as well as the tax consequences of receiving it.

The Financial Engineer's


Would you like to have your product, service, or professional profile shared with 10,000+ (LinkedIn, Facebook, and Monthly Newsletter)? Every month, I will introduce a "do gooder" / business owner / entrepreneur that is making their communities even better with their business and "can do" attitude!!

November's Business Owner of the Month is Ann-Marie Flinn, the Founder of Champion Change Agency who has helped organizations become sustainable and thrive by developing a culture where workers are engaged and enjoy going to work!

When asked the secret to her success:

"I'm very passionate about mindset!" says Ann-Marie "I also believe in the KISS method - Keep It Simple and Sustainable!"

When you meet Ann-Marie you can sense the mixture of confidence and passion she brings to the table! It's actually very calming and reassuring.

Ann-Marie has a passion for helping professionals become the best version of themselves.


"I spent 30 years creating solutions for one (fortune 100) company. My mission is now to take my 30 plus years of solution skillsets to touch as many organizations around the world as I can"

What advice would you give to those that are starting their own business?

"Begin with the end in mind and work backwards. Know where you are going, have a clear vision and then start with tiny goals to reach your big goal!"

Check out Ann- Marie and The Champion Change Agency - invite her out for a healthy beverage, workout, or a chat to see if she can help you too!

The Financial Engineer's Read of the Month

Here's my recommendation for this month's great read that will make you better and wealthier!

I usually recommend a great book for each month, here's a series of fantastic reads on the global market outlook that are a must read for serious investors.



Over the last 6 months, the US Dollar has declined between 5-8% against a few of the world’s major currencies.

This movement has ignited a hysteria amongst medias proclaiming the US Dollar is on the verge of collapsing, and relinquishing its status as the world’s reserve currency.

In this issue of the IceCap Global Outlook, we share the following:

  1. US Dollar is NOT on the verge of collapsing
  2. US Dollar is NOT on the verge of losing its world reserve currency status

"Hysteria" and other global market outlooks by Keith Dicker and his team is The Financial Engineer's Read of the Month.

If you refer a consultant or business owner that is INC or thinking of incorporating, I will be happy to introduce you to the investment opportunities available from IceCap Asset Management, a firm I highly recommend that will take your investments to the next level!

And here's a quick video to help you where to invest and the detrimental effects that tax. What's more important - how much you have or what you get to keep? Leave a comment!

The Financial Engineer's Productivity Tip of the Month

6 things that make smart people fail

These mis-steps can be the downfall of even the most intelligent people, but most business failures can be avoided. The smartest leaders look deeply at their own behavior to fix potential problems before it's too late.

"Your Habits will become your Philosophy of Your Success"

Join the 66 Day Challenge! Pick 1 habit (spiritual, health, business, personal or financial), download the 66 Day Challenge Calander, and put a big X in the square on the day you did that 1 habit. Think Big, Go Small!

We will host a celebration on Dec 3rd for those that join the challenge. It's not too late - Join today!


Upcoming Webinars (Atlantic Time):

Let me know if you would like me to add your webinar here

I highly recommend the following resources to help you and your business expand and become more effective and efficient:

IceCap Asset Management
Engineers NS

Let me know if you would like a recording of my favorite business and financial webinars and podcasts. Make More Money and Design Your Future videos can be found here

So, can I give you a birthday gift?

I recently had my birthday! To celebrate, I'm offering a tonne of valuable resources as a gift to those that want to do even better!!

Yep, no strings attached. My birthday gift to you. CLICK HERE TO GET MY FINANCIAL RESOURCES

Let me know 3 things you learned and 1 thing you wish I focused more on....

When you're ready... here are 3 ways I can help:

Option 1.

Let's have a chat: Just CLICK HERE to see my calendar through our online scheduler. Then, select a 15 min time slot that works for you. The scheduler will book our time and send you the call-in details.

Option 2.

Let's "meet": If you would like to book a free, no-obligation information session, click HERE and we can coordinate a time that fits into your schedule. Online or in person!

Option 3.

Attend my next free webinar: Every quarter I get together online with a handful of other local business owners and share with them the most current research and insights into proper financial planning - specifically for business owners. If you'd like to participate or just listen in on the next session, please email me at steve@thefinancialengineer.ca and I'll forward you the details.

Be healthy, wealthy and wise!!!

Profile ImageSteve MacLellan, P.Eng
"The Financial Engineer"
Proud Member of D H Roberts Financial Group
Facebook LinkedIn Instagram


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