How to Have MORE Fun in the Sun - Avoid this Dangerous Activity

Summer is here!!  Woot Woot!  What's your favorite summer activity?

One of my all time favorite summer activities!
  • Boating?
  • Swimming?
  • Fishing?
  • Camping?
  • Bonfires?
  • BBQ's?
  • Ensuring Financial Success?

Wouldn't you agree that all your summer activities would be even more fun if you were financially independent?  Would your favorite activity be more enjoyable if you knew you were working towards your financial goals at the same time?  Imagine hanging out with friends and family while camping, at a BBQ, or catching that big fish and actually becoming wealthier, your net worth increasing instead of decreasing!

True success is not only having wealth.  Focusing on wealth, health, AND relationships: the Trifecta will lead to true success.  Relationships and health generally increase during the summer months, unfortunately, wealth for most, decreases.   The reason for this decrease is not what you may think - it's not because of the family vacation and the late summer evenings.  Nope.  The real reason is the same major cause of failure for people reaching their goals and dreams.  PROCRASTINATION, the opposite of DECISION, is a common enemy of success that each practically every person must conquer - and it magnifies during the hot summer months!

Those who reach decisions promptly and definitely; know what they want, and generally get it.  If your goal ranges from being debt free to financially independent, speak with an Independent Financial Expert (not your friends or parents ;-)) this week!   Or simply start investing 20% of your income today - 10% for long term investments, another 10% for self improvement investments.  Stop procrastinating.  Summertime can be the best time to complete the Trifecta which will lead to true success!

You have a better chance of success if you understand how to be successful!   It’s not what you know, but what you do.   And, it’s not necessarily what you do with your knowledge, but what you do well and eventually master that guarantees success.

Thank you for taking the time to read this, we appreciate your consideration and would be happy to help you and your family achieve your goals and success.  We look forward to hearing from you!


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