Would you rather pay the government your money or invest it in yourself?

Most likely the biggest lifetime expense you will encounter is TAXES. 

If you invested $1,000 each year in a tax-sheltered plan for 30 years at 10% interest it would you give you just under $165,000!  That would be exciting result from your money that was yours all the time, but it also means that the $30,000 (30 years times $1,000) produced $135,000 of compound interest that the government was getting instead of you.  Do you feel they deserve it?  Then why let them use it?

March 1st is the last day to contribute to your RRSP to receive a deduction in your 2017 income taxes.  Would you rather pay the government your money or would you like to invest in yourself?

If you would rather invest in yourself and learn more, I'd be happy to send you "Wake Up and Smell the Taxes" - a book that I read back in 2008 that "woke me up!", for FREE.

Simply email smaclellan02febc@wfgmail.ca to receive "Wake up and Smell the Taxes" by The Canadian Financial Security Program. 

Happy Tax Season (aka refund time!),


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