A Simple Way to Make the World a Better Place

Do you ever feel overwhelmed and unsure what to do to make the world a better place?

One of the most effective ways to make a change of the better is to invest in social and environmental friendly companies. 

Watch my video.

It's a win-win. The earth wins because companies need to prove their social and environmental leadership. You win because Social Responsible Investment Funds (SRI or ESG) are outperforming funds in their corresponding category and add a layer of risk management by examining their Environmental performance (E), Social responsibility (S), and Corporate governance (G). This means your investments will increase in value while being secure and stable.

Learn how to align your investment goals with your personal values, to combine financial return and positive societal impact. Learn to be a responsible investor.

Stephan MacLellan 
Mutual Fund and Insurance Representative
Email: steve@thefinancialengineer.ca
Cell: (902) 240-6508

PS - How are you going to invest your tax return?


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