Vacation Guide and the Million Dollar Burger

When was the last time you went on vacation and didn’t even think about work? If you’re like most people, it probably seems like forever ago.

Here’s an idea. Try turning off your mobile phone. Give one person at the office the phone number of the place you’ll be staying. Before you leave, offer to take that friendly co-worker out for a nice lunch or BBQ the week you get back — they get to pick the place if you don’t get a single call.

It’ll be one of the best lunches you’ll ever pay for.

Hey, there's still lots of summer left!  Make the most of it!  Try turning off that cell phone while at a BBQ with friends and family too.  At the end of the summer we can chat about how to be a financial role model for your child, until then, here's the recipe for my wife's "Million Dollar Burger".  It will be a huge success!

2 lbs of Lean Ground Beef (or yummy lean Bison)
2 Eggs
1 Packet of Onion Soup Mix
1/2 Cup of Ketchup
1 Diced Onion
3/4 Cup of Crushed Boulton Vegetable Crackers
1/2 Cup of Grated Asiago Cheese

Makes 8-10 of the most delicious burgers you ever had.  That co-worker will love it, or you could sell them for a million bucks!!  We’ll help you invest and protect that $$$ if you do!

Enjoy the rest of summer,

Stephan MacLellan, P.Eng
The Financial Engineer 

Cell: (902) 240-6508


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