Design Your Future - September 2020 "Before You Call Your Financial Advisor, You Need to Read This!"


How was your summer? Ready for the challenges that Autumn and COVID 19 are about to throw at us?

I've made some pivots and continuing to modify my business and holdings, if you have any questions or would like my direct insight, I'd be happy to discuss.

Until then, Here's September's issue of Design Your Own Future.

It's directed towards consultants and business owners that want to do even better while paying less tax!

Inside this issue...

  • Before You Call Your Advisoryou NEED to watch this!
  • Business Owner of the Month - Keith Dicker of Icecap Asset Management INC
  • Book of the Month - "Unshakeable" by Tony Robbins
  • Productivity Tip of the Month - The Most Efficient Way to Pay for Those COVID Renovations
  • Events including "Before you call your Advisor, watch this!"
  • 66 Day Challenge - Starting Sept 28! Join the group

Before You Call Your Advisor,

You NEED to Watch THIS!

The lazy, hazy days of summer are all but over. Want to get a head during the next couple of months? This will help...


If I already have an accountant, book keeper, lawyer, what is the role of my advisorShould I have more than one advisor? How does an advisor actually get paid?

What's the difference between a good advisor and a great advisor? Does an advisor just look after my investments or should they be doing more? A lot more?

SKEPTIC ABOUT THE VALUE OF THE RIGHT ADVISOR? While the wrong advisors can be detrimental to your financial health, the right ones can be worth their value in gold.

To see the difference a value based advisor can make compared to product based advisor, register for "Before You Call Your AdvisorYou Need to Watch This!"

The Financial Engineer's


Would you like to have your product, service, or professional profile shared with 10,000+ (LinkedIn, Facebook, and Monthly Newsletter)? Every month, I will introduce a "do gooder" / business owner / entrepreneur that is making their communities even better with their business and "can do" attitude!!

September's Business Owner of the Month is Keith Dicker, the Founder and Chief Investment Officer for IceCap Asset Management Limited - a Halifax-based investment management firm that managse portfolios and funds for investors around the World.

There's a lot of noise and just plain garbage in the Financial Services industry. Fortunately, having an engineering background who is also a business owner helped me to shut out a lot of this nonsense. This is why I am such a big fan of Keith and IceCap.

When asked the secret to his success:

"Prior to launching IceCap, I worked for 2 different banks - one in Canada, and another outside of Canada. Those experiences were crucial with helping me understand how the financial industry worked. Most banks are unable to quickly adapt to changing market conditions to help investors. IceCap was my opportunity to create a firm that could be proactive and position for certain industry and market changing events." - Keith Dicker, CFA


Keith is born and educated in Canada, and has spent about half of his career working abroad. Maybe that's why he is such a nice guy!

What advice would you give to those that are starting their own business?

"Be nice to everyone and expand your network to the furthest reaches possible."

IceCap is known around the world for its views, perspectives and strategies covering today's complex and evolving global macro investment landscape.

I use IceCap for my own investments and highly recommend Keith Dicker and Icecap Asset Management! To learn more, reply to this email or check out their website by clicking the black button button below.

The Financial Engineer's Book of the Month

Here's my recommendation for this month's great read that will make you better and wealthier: Refer a consultant or business owner and get your free copy!

After interviewing fifty of the world’s greatest financial minds and penning the #1 New York Times bestseller Money: Master the Game, Tony Robbins returns with a step-by-step playbook.

No matter your salary, your stage of life, or when you started, this book will provide the tools to help you achieve your financial goals more rapidly than you ever thought possible..


"Unshakeable" by Tony Robbins and Peter Mallouk is The Financial Engineer's Book of the Month - perfect for back to school and gaining the right money mindset!

If you refer a consultant or business owner that is INC or thinking of incorporating, I will be happy to give you a copy of "Unshakeable" to both of you, a book I highly recommend that gives you the competitive edge in any discussion!

The Financial Engineer's Productivity Tip of the Month

The Most Efficient Way to Pay Off Those COVID Renovations

Here's a quick video to show you the most efficient way to keep what you built and still get what you want - how to become your own bank!


Back to School and Back to Work - There are a lot of Webinars and Events happening this month!! Register by clicking on the link(s).

Upcoming Webinars (Atlantic Time):

Sept 8 at 11amDial in with the Phone Lady and The Financial Engineer: Protect and Grow What You Have Built

Sept 9 at 3pm: Dial in with the Phone Lady and The Financial Engineer: Protect and Grow what you have built Part II

Sept 15 (Tuesday) at 11am: Before you call your Financial Advisoryou need to watch this!

Sept 17 (Thursday) at 3pm: Before you call your Financial Advisoryou need to watch this! Part II

I highly recommend the following resources to help you and your business expand and become more effective and efficient:

Engineers NS

Let me know if you would like a recording of my favorite business and financial webinars and podcasts. Make More Money and Design Your Future videos can be found here

"Your Habits will become your Philosophy of Your Success"

Join the 66 Day Challenge starting on Sept 28! Pick 1 habit (spiritual, health, business, personal or financial), download the 66 Day Challenge Calander, and put a big X in the square on the day you did that 1 habit. Think Big, Go Small!

We will host a celebration on Dec 3rd for those that join the challenge. Join today!


If there was one question, and if you had the answer to that question, it would make life a lot better and easier, what would that question be? Let me know and I will do my best to answer in upcoming edition of "Design Your Future"

Remember, it's not what you know, but what you do with your knowledge! I love helping people put their knowledge into action. Reach out today to fill any gaps in your financial plan. Until further notice, all meetings will be conducted via telephone or zoom.

Profile ImageSteve MacLellan, P.Eng
"The Financial Engineer"
Proud Member of D H Roberts Financial Group


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