Is Game Stopper a Game Stopper???

            2020 was a year of unexpected surprises, wasn’t it? Looks like 2021 is continuing the trend.

February's issue of Design Your Own Future is to help empower you, to take advantage of the opportunities, to live by designIt's directed towards my clients, and contacts that are consultants, business owners, and leaders that want to do even better!

Inside this issue...

  • Tech that will change your life in 2021?
  • Game Stopper and Robin Hood
  • Business Owner of the Month - Louise MacDonald of Joyful Sounds Music Studio
  • Investment Tip of the Month - Value Based Advice
  • 67 Day Challenge - Join the group - better late than never
  • Events

Tech that will change your life in 2021?

A pandemic that ravaged the world and accelerated the digital transformation of almost everything?? In 2020 we embraced new ways to work, exercise, see the doctor and watch movies. Here are some new products and services launching soon. Which gadgets and subscriptions will outlast the pandemic?

Here are 2 More Trend Setters:

Listenable is a new audio learning platform with more than 100 original courses. It allows users to access powerful, bite-sized audio courses that they can listen to at any time, anywhere. The courses cover a variety of subjects, from personal development and self-care to career skills and productivity. If you like podcasts or audiobooks, this is a great way to take courses.

Pocket Finance - the future of finance in your pocket is new mobile platform to be launched in 2021. I will be helping to roll out this technology with my clients and team - stay tuned!

Game Stopper and Robin Hood - The Financial Engineer's Opinon

NOTE: This is my opinion and is not to be taking as financial advice. To get proper advice, book a 15 min call with me here

If you have been living under a rock or not sure what is happening in the stock market here's a short video from the "Real Wolf of Wall Street" and one with more detail to get you up to par.

My take - this is a movement, "occupy wall street" that may actually work! I never liked shorting or betting on losers. I believe we should be trying to make this world a better place, adding value. I'm going to invest a small portion of my hard earned money, not to make money (we should know how this ends), but to be part of the movement, to be part of history, to be part of a revolution that will hopefully make the free market better and free for everyone.

What's your take on Game Stopper? Is it a game changer or game stopper?

The Financial Engineer's


Would you like to have your product, service, or professional profile shared with 12,000+ (LinkedIn, Facebook, and Monthly Newsletter)? Every month, I will introduce a "do gooder" / business owner / entrepreneur that is making their communities even better with their business and "can do" attitude!!

February's Business Owner of the Month is Louise MacDonald, owner of Joyful Sounds Music Studio in Fall River, NS while serving students around the world! I have witnessed first hand the confidence and joy she develops in my own children and is a vital part of the community..

When asked why she started her own business:

"I always loved music and wanted to own my own studio!" says Miss Louise "When I moved from a great teaching environment to an unhealthy one, I started teaching Kindermusik and piano lessons on the side. I realized this is what I was meant to do! We started at home studio and word of mouth quickly spread"

When you meet Louise you can sense the mixture of friendliness and desire to help others while remaining very humble!

"Always be open to thinking outside the box and trust your gut! You may not have all the answers but you can find people that do! Find the right team - the right team is so important!!"


What's next for Louise MacDonald and Joyful Sounds Music Studio?

"We have some amazing projects on the go! When the pandemic hit, we focused on surviving, now we are focused on Thriving! There is lots of opportunity for growth as we now have students from all over the world and the ability to grow even bigger!"

Check out Lousie MacDonald and Joyful Sounds Music Studio - Her services and friendly expertise comes highly recommended

The Financial Engineer's

Investment Tip of the Month

Focus on value. What is of value to you and what value you provide.

What if almost everything you thought was to be true about money wasn’t, when would you want to know?

You already know that everyone is in real-estate, you are either building wealth with your own real-estate or your are paying rent to help others build their real-estate.

The same is true for banking, everyone banks. You are either building wealth for the bank, or you build your own banking system.

I provide value by showing consultants, business owners and leaders how to become their own bank. Check out this video where I re-introduce my self and my business.

"Your Habits will become your Philosophy of Your Success"

Join the 67 Day Challenge! Pick 1 habit (spiritual, health, business, personal or financial), download the 66 Day Challenge Calander, and put a big X in the square on the day you did that 1 habit. Think Big, Go Small!

It's not too late - Join today!


Upcoming Webinars (Atlantic Time):

Let me know if you would like me to add your webinar here

I highly recommend the following resources to help you and your business expand and become more effective and efficient:

IceCap Asset Management
Engineers NS

Let me know if you would like a recording of my favorite business and financial webinars and podcasts. Make More Money and Design Your Future videos can be found here

Happy Valentine's Day!!

This book was and is a big help. Highly recommended


When you're ready... here are 3 ways I can help:

Option 1.

I help my clients hone in on their money and success mindset, habits, and processes. That’s how they experience results that they couldn’t even think were possible for them. If you would like to run through my process that’s helped others create an even better life, you can book a quick 15 min chat to see if I can help you too. Just CLICK HERE to see my calendar through our online scheduler.

Option 2.

Attend our Healthy, Wealthy, and Thrive Workshop - Increase your focus, productivity, and your relationship with money and success while decreasing stress and distractions.

Option 3.

Attend my next free webinar: Every quarter I get together online with a handful of other local business owners and share with them the most current research and insights into proper financial planning - specifically for business owners. If you'd like to participate or just listen in on the next session, please email me at and I'll forward you the details.

As you already know, If you don't have a plan, you will become part of someone else's plan... Let's design an even better future!

Be Healthy, Wealthy and Thrive!!!

Profile ImageSteve MacLellan, P.Eng
"The Financial Engineer"


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