Design An Even Better Future - Is now a good time to hit the reset button?


How was your summer? What do you plan to do to make the most of remainder of 2021?

Here's September's issue of Design Your Own Future with a strong focus on hitting the reset button and making the most of remaining months of 2021.

This issue is to help empower you, to find opportunities, to live by design. It's directed towards my clients, and contacts that are consultants, business owners, and leaders that want to do even better! If you find the info useful, forward to a friend and they can subscribe here

Inside this issue...

  • Top 5 Myths the Financial Industry is Trying to Sell You - Myth #2
  • Time to hit the reset button?
  • New provincial support and existing federal support update
  • Business Owner of the Month - Pete Beskas
  • Investment Tip of the Month - Invest in Your Child's success
  • Events - including the Infinite Banking Concept Masterclass and the new Healthy, Wealthy and Wise Presentation

The Top 5 Myths the Financial Industry is Trying to Sell You…

Myth #2 - Everyone Needs a Financial Advisor

What do you feel the role of a financial advisor should be?

Stock picker? Mutual fund rep? Product pusher?


Guide? Planner? Some one to bounce financial and business ideas off?

Not everyone needs a financial advisor. For those that would benefit, the hard part is finding a great advisor that is out to help you!

Watch this video and let me know if you agree or disagree


A RESET isn’t simply hitting a mental button and starting over - it’s your opportunity to reflect and Change!

After taking stock of your year so far, identify your biggest priority going forward…

September is the perfect time for a reset and make the needed changes to finish the remainder of the year strong!

Finish strong!!! You got this! If you want help, ask for it and go get what is yours!!

Provincial Support and Existing Federal Support Update

We are not out of this yet, but getting close - each phase is described in detailed in the best resource I have come across for info on the lockdowns and panedmic support. Check the lastest and greatest on the Halifax Chamber Website.

To date, the best program for Business Owners is Canada Emergency Business Account:

:If you are a small business or non-profit, you may be eligible for an interest-free loan of up to 60,000 of which 20,000 will be forgiven.

The Financial Engineer's


Would you like to have your product, service, or professional profile shared with 14,000+ (LinkedIn, Facebook, and Monthly Newsletter)? Every month, I will introduce a "do gooder" / business owner / entrepreneur that is making their communities even better with their business and "can do" attitude!!

September's Business Owner of the Month is Pete Beskas - founder of Beskas Consulting and The SUPERDAD Manifesto with the mission to help dads become Super Dads.

We are changing things up and will have a separate issue of Design Your Future with the sole focus on the Business Owner of the Month every 3rd Wednesday of the Month. Stay tunned for Pete's full interview and success tips!

The Financial Engineer's

Investment Tip of the Month

Invest in Your Child's Success!

As a parent, you want to do everything you can to set your kids up for success. As a result, you may be asking yourself: How can I invest in my child or grandchild’s future?


With the raising costs of post secondary education, the fact that several parents are paying for private schools due to the current state of our public schooling system, increased rental and home prices – investing for your child’s future may seem daunting… There's more than just RESPs! Here are 6 ways to invest in your child's success


Upcoming Webinars (Atlantic Time):

Let me know if you would like me to add your webinar here


Tips on how to seize the opportunities in the new economy. Let's be Healthy, Wealthy, and Wise instead of Sick, Poor and Foolish? REPLAY can be found HERE


The Infinite Banking Concept Masterclass is scheduled for September 15. Register here

I highly recommend the following resources to help you and your business expand and become more effective and efficient:

IceCap Asset Management
Engineers NS

Let me know if you would like a recording of my favorite business and financial webinars and podcasts. Make More Money and Design Your Future videos can be found here

September is a Great Time to


Book a coffee or patio beverage with me HERE


When you're ready... here are 3 ways we can help:

Option 1.

We help my clients improve their money and success mindset, habits, and processes. That’s how they experience results that they couldn’t even think were possible for them. If you would like to run through my process that’s helped others create an even better life, you can book a quick 15 min chat to see if I can help you too. Just CLICK HERE to see my calendar through our online scheduler.

Option 2.

Do it yourself with alliances and partnerships that offer direct ETF investing, financial planning tools and do it yourself insurance, I have placed my years of research and resources in one place. That place is here.

Option 3.

Attend my next free webinar: Every quarter I get together online with a handful of other local business owners and share with them the most current research and insights into proper financial planning - specifically for business owners. If you'd like to participate or just listen in on the next session, please email me at and I'll forward you the details.

As you already know, If you don't have a plan, you will become part of someone else's plan... Let's design an even better future!

Be Healthy, Wealthy and Wise! Push through the noise!!!

Profile ImageSteve MacLellan, P.Eng
"The Financial Engineer"
Facebook LinkedIn Instagram


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