September's Issue of Design Your Future - The lie all business Owners tell themselves and other truths
After taking a break during the summer months, here's September's issue of Design Your Future hot off the press with a strong focus on making the most of the remaining months of 2022 and a request for your feedback.
Inside this issue you will find:
Design Your Future - September 15, 2022 |
Can you feel that?
There's a change in the air! Now is the time to make the most of 2022! |
Invest in Your Child's Success
September is a great month for several reasons.
BEFORE YOU START INVESTING FOR YOUR KIDS: Click on the picture to find my research that shares 6 different ways to invest in your child or grandchild's success! |
Bank of Canada Delivers Another Massive Rate Hike into Debt Bubble: Episode 48
Inflation is running at three decade highs - what can you do about it?
For starters, get yourself some proper education. The Loonie Hour is a Canadian based macro economic podcast covering newsworthy events across the globe and how they will impact Canadians. I listen to these guys and highly recommend that you do too. |
To INC or to Not INC?
God Bless the Queen.
Millionaire Mindset on Mondays will be returning on Sept 26 at 11am ALT with special guests Kevin Yuill of BDC and Jamie Angus of Touchstone Legal.
We will be reviewing if you should INC and if you should, how to do it right so you can reduce taxes and invest as effectively and efficiently as possible. |
We are expanding and working on a shock and awe campaign for the remainder of 2022 and...
We need your help!
What commercial do you like better?
What advice would you give us to find people like you so we can help them grow, control, and protect what they build instead of giving their hard earned money away to taxes? |
Business Owner of the Sean Meister - Founder of Some Good Media & Entertainment
Sean Meister extremely proud Nova Scotian who brings a slice of this unique part of Canada to your LinkedIn Feed each day. He tells the story of Nova Scotia through its landscapes, its communities and peoples, the products produced here, and the entrepreneurs who help build our economic future.
Check him out at and see what he has to say during our conversation where we share our experiences on what to do and what NOT to do to become successful.
Sean also takes a new approach to the so called "brain drain" and turns it into a positive. |
As a valued client - a friendly reminder – I am only a phone call, text, or email away. We are here to help you – even if that simply means to be an ear to listen to during these very strange times which can feel like riding a roller coaster of emotions…
PS – Don’t keep us a secret
PPS - Would your company be interested in hosting a work shop on Tax Reduction and Investing Strategies based on the New Tax Law Proposals? If so, let us know and our Financial, Legal, and CPA team will make it happen.
Be Healthy, Wealthy, and Wise! Push through the noise… and God Bless the Queen! |
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